SFU Burnaby, Bennett Library: Media and Maker Commons
- All users must complete the online training for the relevant Maker tool before submitting a booking.
- Optional online training is available for the Media spaces (studios)
- Users who have not completed the online training will be turned away. Please do not submit a booking until you have completed the online training.
- Please cancel your booking if no longer required to allow others to book. Use the cancel links provided in your confirmation and reminder emails.
- Contact the Bennett Library Media and Maker Commons if you have questions about the tools and spaces.
3D Printers
- The Media and Maker Commons has the following 3D printers available:
- five (5) Ultimaker 3
- one (1) Ultimaker S5
- two (2) Prussa i3 MK3
- These printers are based on fused filament fabrication (FFF) technology and use a PLA filament as printing material.
- You must first complete the 3D printing online training before you can book a printer.
- One (1) booking per week.
- You can book up to seven (7) days in advance.
- Time slots represent appointment times with Media & Maker Commons staff.