SFU Surrey
Quick links to different booking page formats for the Surrey room for Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) registered students:
- Search and suggestion-based interface. Pick a date and time and receive bookable options or alternatives if none are available for your chosen time.
- Standard format for screen-readers and mobile devices. Displays the available time slots in 30 minute increments.
- Default booking page displaying the availability grid. Displays the availability with the times across the top and rooms listed on the left. Availability is indicated by green boxes with diagonal lines. Red boxes with vertical lines indicate that the time slot is already booked.
- Please contact libhelp@sfu.ca if you have any comments or feedback about room booking for CAL-registered students.
The services for students with disabilities webpage provides a summary of adaptive technology, computers and equipment available in all SFU Library locations, including Fraser Library. Additional study rooms are available at SFU Burnaby, Bennett Library for CAL-registered students.
See other bookable options at SFU Surrey.
Fraser Library: Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) room
- This room is available to students registered with the SFU Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL).
- One booking per day for up to 4 (four) hours, and 3 (three) bookings per week.
- Rooms are available for booking up to 90 days in advance.
- Please cancel your booking if no longer required to allow others to book. Use the cancel links provided in your confirmation and reminder emails.
- Click on the Info button or the room name to see details about each room.